Poetry Workshop– Develop your creative voice, learn more about poetry, and try out your skills. (Youth only)
Cosplay 101– A chance to learn more about cosplay and how to make your costumes really work. Make some props with supplies on hand and chat about your fandoms ^_^ . (Youth only)
Ace Space– A discussion space for those on the asexual spectrum to talk, get resources, ask questions, and hang out. For youth only, open to youth who are asexual-identified.
Lesbian/Bi/Queer Femme Space– A discussion space for female-identified youth to talk, ask questions, and hang out. (Youth only)
Gay/Bi/Queer Masculine Space– A discussion space for male identified youth to talk, ask questions, and hang out. (Youth only)
Integrating LGBTQ in the classroom– Curriculum looking a little heteronormative? Look into the education outcomes and ways to include LGBTQ content, visibility and information! Get some resources and fun stuff too! (Advisor only)
Two Spirit– This workshop will provide an overview of two-spirit identities and how they relates to other Indigenous sexual or gender identities, with time for questions and discussion.(Open to All)
Elderberries– The Elderberries are a group of elder LGBTQ people from Nova Scotia and a GSA Conference favourite – and they’re back for 2018! What was it like in their day to be lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans? Join us for storytelling and an exploration of our history.
Theatre Now!– Join us for some theatre and improv games to get us moving and get to know each other! Let’s queer up this drama. (Youth only)
Healthy Relationships– We don’t see LGBT relationships well represented in our world, which means healthy LGBT relationships are often left out of the conversation. How can we better include LGBT youth when we talk about communication, consent, emotions and boundaries? We gotta be represented! Join YP staff Leigh as they take us through it. (Youth only)
Queer History– Join the Youth Project’s Kate Shewan in an exploration of history on the treatment of queer and trans folks in Canada, and the development of the historical government apology issues last year. Kate was a member of the advisory council on the apology and will take us through what it means.
Art Attack– Join a local artist for fun with drawing and paint! Get some tips on art & drawing skills, and let your creative juices flow!
Venus Envy – Safer Sex Queered – This is the fun, informative, and pleasure-focused sex ed class for queer and trans folks often left out of mainstream conversations. We’ll talk about different kinds of bits responding to different sensations, and opening up our minds to different pathways to pleasure! We’ll cover the ins and outs of STI transmission, some risks involved in having different kinds of sex, how to talk about STIs and safer sex, and how to use barriers and make them sexy. (Youth only)
GSA 101– Jumpstart your GSA or start brand new with new ideas and possibilities. Join Dre, a GSA member who made some big changes in his community, for activities, roles and projects your GSA may have never thought of before!
Non-Binary Space– A discussion space for non-binary-identified youth to talk, ask questions, connect with others, and hang out! (Youth only)
Drag Workshop– Drag has been a tool in the LGBTQ community for activism, performance, resistance, and being fabulous! Join some of Halifax’s best drag performers for performance and costume tips, and try some stuff out! Makeup & supplies provided. (Youth only)
Intersectionality– “There’s no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we don’t live single-issue lives” – Audre Lorde. Join Gabriel Enxuga for activities and discussion around intersectionality, which is how the different identities within us (our sexuality, our gender, our race, our abilities, etc.) create our unique lived experiences.
Trans Masculine Space– A discussion space for trans masc -identified youth to talk, ask questions, connect with others, and hang out! (Youth only)
Trans Feminine Space– A discussion space for trans femme -identified youth to talk, ask questions, connect with others, and hang out! (Youth only)
GSA Skillz– A skills-based workshop on how to DIY some fun activities for your GSA group. Want to know how to tie-dye on a budget? Some new activities to run? Join us!
Elderberries– The Elderberries are a group of elder LGBTQ people from Nova Scotia and a GSA Conference favourite – and they’re back for 2018! What was it like in their day to be lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans? Join us for storytelling and an exploration of our history.
Comics!– Comics are a useful tool in the fight against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. Draw your stories and bring them to life, to share with others and create a visible impact. Join a panel of local artists James Neish, Sfe R. Monster, and Adam Sigrist, as we explore the world of comics and art. (Youth only)
Jam Session– Join some local musicians for a chance to play some tunes and have some fun! Some instruments will be provided.
Healthy Relationships– We don’t see LGBT relationships well represented in our world, which means healthy LGBT relationships are often left out of the conversation. How can we better include LGBT youth when we talk about communication, consent, emotions and boundaries? We gotta be represented! Join YP staff Leigh as they take us through it. (Youth only)
Art Attack– Join a local artist for fun with drawing and paint! Get some tips on art & drawing skills, and let your creative juices flow!
Venus Envy- Safer Sex Queered– This is the fun, informative, and pleasure-focused sex ed class for queer and trans folks often left out of mainstream conversations. We’ll talk about different kinds of bits responding to different sensations, and opening up our minds to different pathways to pleasure! We’ll cover the ins and outs of STI transmission, some risks involved in having different kinds of sex, how to talk about STIs and safer sex, and how to use barriers and make them sexy. (Youth only)
Supporting Trans Youth– Join public health nurse Erin Poirier and youth from the Citadel High GSA, to talk about best practices for supporting trans youth!
Inclusive Sex Education– Rene Ross is the Executive Director of the Cumberland County Sexual Health Center. Join her for a session on safer sex information that is inclusive of LGBTQ+ youth, and communicating safer sex information to youth. (Advisors Only)
Rainbow Refugees: Supporting LGBT New Comers to Canada – This workshop aims to bring to attention the challenges faced by LGBT immigrants, refugees and young LGBT Canadians that come from immigrant families. Many LGBT newcomers face cultural and practical barriers to integrating in Canadian society. This integration then becomes even more complex with the addition of the familial/cultural stigmatization that’s still felt based on their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. We will highlight and identify the intersectional strains that many face between culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and race. By understanding and being aware of these challenges, we will better learn how to provide a supportive and accepting atmosphere on that basis.
This workshop will have an interactive component and an open discussion.
Theatre Now!– Join us for some theatre and improv games to get us moving and get to know each other! Let’s queer up this drama. (Youth only)
Making safer spaces for black, indigenous, and people of colour– The LGBTQ movement is frequently represented by people who aren’t from the BIPOC community – but LGBT history has been started and shaped by the BIPOC community! How can we make our GSAs and school communities more inclusive of people of colour? Join us for a discussion.
How to talk Religion & Spirituality– Religion can be a deeply personal, and yet very contentious issue. We will learn more about how to discuss our own experiences with religion (good, bad, or other), how to talk about LGBTQ+ issues in religion, and develop an appreciation for various religions.
Coming Out– Telling your story. Coming out stories can be powerful, and it is an experience that often connects us as LGBTQ people. How can we use the idea of “coming out” in our work as GSAs? How can we use our stories to help others? When do we challenge the concept of needing to come out? Explore all this and more with Madonna from our Cape Breton office! (Youth only)
Cosplay 101– A chance to learn more about cosplay and how to make your costumes really work. Make some props with supplies on hand and chat about your fandoms ^_^ . (Youth only)
GSA Skillz– A skills-based workshop on how to DIY some fun activities for your GSA group. Want to know how to tie-dye on a budget? Some new activities to run? Join us!
Mental Health Panel– A panel discussion on what it is like to live and work with mental illness. Where to find support and resources will also be part of the discussion.
Queer Travelling– Travelling while queer or trans can be an added challenge, with international laws and recognitions being different from place to place. What are the current challenges to queer and trans travel within Canada and across borders? Join us for a discussion.
Welcoming Newcomers– The YMCA Center for Immigrant Services recognizes the key role of immigrants in Canadian society. We work with newcomers to help them build a future in Canada. We provide a wide range of services to immigrants, from refugee resettlement to professional programs, from family counselling to English in the Workplace. Join us for a workshop on welcoming newcomers to your communities and GSAs!
Autism NS– Join representatives from Autism Nova Scotia for information about the Autism spectrum, strategies for inclusion, and stuff you can use in your GSA for those who are on the Autism spectrum!
(BYOP) Bring your own problem– This workshop is an open discussion forum for educators and advisors. What issues are at the forefront of your work with LGBTQ youth? What supports do you need? How can the YP best support you? Bring what’s on your mind! (Advisors only)
Drag Workshop– Drag has been a tool in the LGBTQ community for activism, performance, resistance, and being fabulous! Join some of Halifax’s best drag performers for performance and costume tips, and try some stuff out! Makeup & supplies provided. (Youth only)
Supporting Trans Youth– Join public health nurse Erin Poirier and youth from the Citadel High GSA, to talk about best practices for supporting trans youth!