The Youth Project Seeks New Board

Aug. 20th, 2020

Authored by: The Board of Directors

Local non-profit works to reimagine organizational futures

[K’jipuktuk (Halifax), Nova Scotia, Thursday August 20th, 2020]
The Youth Project is a local non-profit that has been serving 2SLGBTQIA+ youth across the province for over 26 years. This multi-service organization offers a wide variety of education, programming, and support services, all with the aim of furthering the inclusion, wellness, and celebration of 2SLGBTQIA+ (Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual+) youth. The Youth Project is currently dreaming of vibrant, creative, joyful, accessible, and anti-oppressive futures, and has recently begun the initial stages of undergoing essential, structural shifts to be able to implement change in a way that centres underserved/underrepresented 2SLGBTQIA+ youth. The Youth Project is thrilled to have recently welcomed Carmel Farahbakhsh to their new role as Executive Director and in addition to this wonderful news, the Youth Project is also incredibly excited to announce that they are actively seeking new members to serve on the Board of Directors.
Over the past few years The Youth Project has received invaluable feedback from community members calling for the organization to meaningfully acknowledge and address their continued failures to offer engaging, relevant, safer programs and services for 2SQTBIPOC (Two Spirit, queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, people of colour) youth. The vast majority of this feedback called on the Youth Project to engage in critical, intentional, organizational evolution rooted in an on-going commitment to longevity, community-centric reimagination, and building/rebuilding of relationships and community trust.
With Carmel in the position of Executive Director, the Youth Project has begun undergoing transformative anti-racist and anti-oppressive education and development to be able to better serve 2SQTBIPOC youth, and youth from the various margins of identities that have continuously felt unwelcome or unsafe at the Youth Project. The key to being able to implement and sustain this level of systemic change is having a dedicated Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for maintaining the foundational stability needed in this restructuring by supporting staff, overseeing staff contracts, developing policies, and union negotiations. Currently operating with an interim Board of Directors, The Youth Project will be electing an entirely new Board of Directors at their Annual General Meeting, October 4th at 2pm ADT , details to follow.
In preparation of Board turnover, The Youth Project is currently accepting applications from community members interested in serving on the Board of Directors. The Youth Project specifically encourages applications from individuals who are enthusiastic about advocating for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and who are committed to collaborating with the staff, and the Youth Board to effect essential organizational revisioning. Ideal Board applicants carry expertise rooted community centric values, are focused on platforming youth leadership, and are passionate about anti-racist/anti-oppressive strategic revisioning. Important skills and assets for Board members include, but are not limited to, experience navigating anti-racist / anti-oppressive organisational planning, a background in community-based youth work, familiarity with the education system, a background in finances, policy writing and development skills, non-profit/board experience, background in accessibility justice work, legal expertise, literacy of trauma- informed frameworks, and fundraising experience.
If you, or someone you know, are invested in collaboratively building vibrant futures for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and have experience and knowledge that will help foster an inclusive and caring environment, the Youth Project wants to hear from you. Having dedicated people in these crucial roles will allow the Youth Project the space and stability needed to begin implementing lasting change within this vital community space. To submit an application for a position on the Youth Project ́s Board of Directors you can apply directly through this form ( or by visiting You can find more information about the Youth Project at or on instagram (@nsyouthproject), facebook (@theyouthproject), and twitter (@youthproject_ns)


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