Click link above or see committee description below:
April 29, 2019
The Youth Project acknowledges that our organization has historically, and continues to be, a predominantly white organization. We further acknowledge that the exclusion of queer and trans Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) youth from our spaces, services, and resources continues to reinforce a culture of white supremacy. Racialized communities have, and continue to be, at the forefront of fighting for queer rights. The Youth Project therefore recognizes that we fundamentally cannot achieve our mandate of making Nova Scotia a safer, healthier, and happier place for queer and trans youth without the active involvement and leadership of queer and trans folks from BIPOC communities.
The authority to hire the Executive Director (“ED”) is jointly vested in the Youth Board and the Board of Directors (“the Boards”) at section 45 of the Youth Project by -laws. Grounded in the above realities and understandings, the Boards have decided to strike a Community Hiring Committee (“CHC”) to oversee the hiring of the Youth Project’s next Executive Director.
The Youth Project is invested in working with the community in the process of choosing a new ED. We are creating the CHC to be youth-centred and prioritize racialized communities that have been historically underrepresented and undervalued at the Youth Project. We know that this is only a step on the path to building relationships of mutuality and trust with queer and trans BIPOC communities. We want to be transparent about our process. We acknowledge this is an imperfect process as not everyone who needs to be at the table will be present. However, we aim to respect, listen to, and heed the the guidance of BIPOC communities as we begin this long process of meaningful outreach and engagement.
The CHC will be comprised of members of the Board of Directors, Youth Board, and community members with reserved seats specifically for members of the African Nova Scotian community, the Miꞌkmaq and Indigenous communities, and other racialized communities in Nova Scotia.
Community members will be compensated for their service as detailed in the below Terms of Reference.
Those interested in serving on the Community Hiring Committee should send a statement of interest to in written or video format that speaks to their skills and abilities. Deadline for applications is May 10, 2019. Applications will be reviewed by both Boards and successful applicants will be contacted.
Terms of Reference*
*These Terms of Reference are preliminary only and will be subject to change on the discretion of the Committee once established.
1.0 To oversee the hiring process for the Youth Project’s Executive Director.
1.1 To make a recommendation to the Board of Directors and the Youth Board of the top applicant for the position of Executive Director.
2.1 Review and edit the job description and posting for the Executive Director.
2.2 Direct staff to advertise the job posting for the position.
2.3 Create and agree upon a hiring matrix and equitable hiring policy to guide the applicant review and selection process.
2.4 Review applications received.
2.5 Shortlist candidates for interviews.
2.6 Create questions to be asked in interviews.
2.7 Conduct interviews of potential candidates.
2.8 Make a recommendation to the Youth Board and Board of Directors of the top candidate. Recommendation will include compensation package.
3.1 The composition of the committee will be as follows: 3.1.1 One Youth Board member;
One Director from the Board of Directors; One former staff member of the Youth Project; One seat for a BIPOC youth (under 25yrs);
Three seats for members who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of colour
3.2 All CHC members must identify as being part of the queer/trans/2SLGBTQ+ community.
3.3 The CHC will elect two Co-Chairs, a Secretary, an Applicant Liaison, and any other positions deemed necessary by the CHC.
3.4 Quorum for decision-making shall be defined as the presence of 5 members (interviews may be conducted with less than 5 members).
4.1 Meetings will be called at the discretion of the Co-Chairs. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors will also have the authority to call a meeting, only as absolutely necessary.
4.2 The CHC will determine its own rules of order in conjunction with this policy at its first meeting.
5.1 The minutes of each meeting of the CHC will be submitted to the respective Chairs of the Boards within 48hrs of the end of the meeting.
5.2 The recommendation of final candidate(s) to the Boards will occur at a jointly convened meeting of the Boards.
5.3 The CHC will not have the authority or power to commit the Boards to any final decision.
6. Confidentiality
6.1 Each member of the CHC will be required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement prepared by the Boards.
6.2 Violation of the Confidentiality Agreement will result in immediate dismissal from the CHC and potential legal action as deemed necessary.
7.1 Community members serving on the CHC will be compensated in the amount of $500. Half of which will be paid upon appointment to the committee and the other half to be paid upon the recommendation of a final candidate to the Boards.