Title: This Book is Gay
Author: Juno Dawson*
In the YP Library? On Order
About: A funny and pertinent book about being lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer, transgender or just curious – for everybody, no matter their gender or sexuality
Former PSHCE teacher and acclaimed YA author Juno Dawson gives an uncensored look at what it’s like to grow up as LGBT. Including testimonials from people across the gender and sexual spectrums, this frank, funny, fully inclusive book explores everything anyone who ever dared to wonder wants to know – from sex to politics, how to flirt, stereotypes, how to come-out and more. Spike Gerrell’s hilarious illustrations combined with funny and factual text make this a must-read
*Older prints of this book are available but list the author as James Dawson. As you can see above, we’re fixing our copies 😉 Congrats to Juno for coming out in 2015/16! <3